Guidelines for Group Leaders

Taking a group, whether adult or youth, on a mission trip is a very rewarding experience. Because it requires a great deal of planning and goal setting, we offer the following information to assist you. It is based on input from personal experience and group leaders who have gone before you. Do not be daunted by the chal­lenges. Remember, you are following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ Himself-who was also charged with the responsibility of building an effective team. He knew He would be confronted with attitudes and behavior that would require His attention. Even the twelve apostles had personality clashes. But like the Mas­ter, you can mold a team that wants to honor God in their service.

This section includes:

*      Preparing Your Group for a Mission Trip

*      Suggestions for team meetings

*      Functioning as a Group Leader

*      Continuing the Mission Experience after Your Return

*      Words of Wisdom

*      Suggested Scripture Readings and devotionals

*      Documents and waivers

Suggestions for Preparing Your Group for a Mission trip

Organizing Your Group

It is very important to have a cohesive group with common goals. Schedule an "Interest" meeting at least six months before the intended mission trip. At this meeting, provide general information about the work project and the volunteer program. Inform the group that you will be organizing a group trip at some future date. Ask each prospective volunteer to complete an application (Form #1) and a personal survey (Form #2 ) and return signed copies of these forms to you with a deposit by a certain date at least four months in advance. The deposit should be sufficient to cover the non-refundable portion of the airline tickets. Before closing, establish the first group meeting soon after the application deadline. A team that is Christ-inspired, and properly trained can see the best-laid preparations come undone and still have fun as they make great things happen for the peo­ple they came to serve.

Schedule group meetings approximately once a month after the first group meeting, each with specific objectives in preparing for the trip (such as medical orientation by a nurse or doctor, planning for collection of needed items, distribution of airline tickets, updates on transportation and baggage handling arrangements and other logistical topics.) Subsequent group meetings are very important in building relationships among your group. Consider integrating social activities (pot luck dinners, cookouts, games, etc.) to help build these relationships and stress the spiritual and practical goals of your mission trip.

From the applications and the “Strengths and Weaknesses Survey” (included in this packet) you should be able to determine people's skills and interests. Ask group members to volunteer for preparation tasks to assist the group in getting ready for the mission trip. Listed below are some key responsibilities that you should consider assigning to group members. Each responsibility area might have one or more additional group members involved to assist the task leader. If you will be leading a youth group, you may need to get help from parents or other adults to assist you in performing some of these responsibilities.

            § Work Project Leader: Try to get some people with construction experience to sign up.

            § Spiritual Activities Coordinator: Plan prayer/reflection services for each evening.

            § Transportation/Baggage Coordinator: Obtain bright colored luggage tags for everyone so                    that bags are easy to identify, plan transportation to/from the airport, order airline                                     tickets, etc. If traveling to a Spanish speaking country learn the words, "Grupo                                 Iglesia." They may facilitate getting through Customs more quickly.

            § Health Care Coordinator: Arrange health care orientation, make sure everyone gets shots                   and malaria pills, obtain and pack first aid supplies. At the work sight, make sure                              everyone drinks enough water when working in the sun.

            § Music Leader: Ask if anyone can play a guitar or other musical instrument; take sheet                          music to sing at church services, and some songs to sing with the kids.

            § Evangelism Coordinator:  Prepares stories, supplies and outline for evangelistic programs.

            § Treasurer: Prepare a trip budget; keep the group purse to pay group-related expenses before                         and during the trip.

            § Fund Raiser: Plan and coordinate activities to raise any needed monies for trip expenses                      and/or materials needed for your project. This person may be assisted by a Packing                 Coordinator for packing group supplies (things you will be using in common) and                      especially for packing donated items.

            § Group Head Cook and bottle washer! Plans and coordinates meals for the group while on                  site. Plans what foods need to packed.  Plans food shopping for the group.

            § Researcher: Obtain and present information to the group on the history, literature and                          culture of the mission and country you are visiting. Find out the Location of US                             Embassy within host country.

            § Group Photographer/Reporter: Take pictures of group activities, mission children, staff and                 facilities, as well as the countryside. Prepare a journal or testimonial that might be                 published in a church newspaper.

It is important that everyone has at least one helper on his/her committee, and doubly important to have a LEADER for each activity or you will end up doing it all yourself. When everyone has a job, everyone has commitment and you won't have any slackers. Some of these jobs lend themselves to non-trip participants, people who want to support the mission trip but may be unable to travel with your group. It is good to get spouses, friends, parents and kids or other church members involved.



Choose 10 of the factors listed below that you feel are motivating you to go on a STMT.   Be honest!

Don’t choose those you think should motivate you.  Grade each one according to the following scale.

3-Most powerful motivator

2-Strong motivator me

1-Not very strong motivator


___for the excitement and fun of travel

___to see if I want to be a missionary

__to experience another culture

__to get away from home

__to get experience in a certain skill

__to get training as a Christian worker

­­­___to buy duty-free electronics

___to add to my list of countries visited 

___to see and experience real poverty

__to find a mate with interests like mine

___other _________________________


___to know God as never before

___to show God I'm serious about following     Him

___because I have had a missionary call

___because God has told me specifically to go

___to gain favor with God

___to use my gifts for God.




___because my friends are going

___because someone I trust has urged me to go

___ because I'm being pressured to go

___to get my missions duty over with

___other _____________________________


___to help finish the task of world


___to better mobilize my church

___to help establish God's kingdom

___because it's strategic to help nations

___because Jesus commands it of us all

___to help rebuild a world with God’s justice


___to help hungry children

___to give overworked missionaries a break

___because people are going to hell without the


___because of compassion for poverty-stricken



A thoughtful, prayerful look at your results may help you discern where God is working in your life and how a STMT may or may not be for you at this time.


Do you know what your spiritual gifts are according to Rom.12:1; ­Eph. 4:11; and I Cor. 12:4-11;

I Peter 4:10 & 11?

If so, list them

Are you willing to exercise your gift(s) during this mission trip?

Note to Leaders: There are a number of tests available to help individuals discover their spiritual gifts. Check with your pastor or educational director for something they would recommend. The MYERS­BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR (MBT/) test is a familiar one.

(Form #2 con’t)



Every STM Team is made up of individuals - each one bringing some distinct physical, relational, spiritual and personality traits to the team. Some of these distinctives contribute to the cohesiveness and harmony of a team. Other traits may contribute to disharmony and difficulties. Put a check mark beside the traits that you feel apply to you.

___basically healthy insight

___some physical limitations

___experience in construction

___know how to delegate


___previous mission trip experience

___restrictions on diet


___Friendly                         ___extrovert

___Naïve                           ___compulsive

___Adventurous                ___argumentative

___submissive        ___forgiving

___defensive                       ___confrontational

___apprehensive                 ___introvert

___patient                           ___workaholic

___hostile                           ___aggressive

___leader                            ___follower

___some addictions            ___spontaneous

___generous                       ___perceptive

___persuasive                     ___Emotional

___Timid                            ___super sensitive

      ___positive attitude            ___impatient ___gullible                         ___indecisive ___prejudices                     ___ temperamental ___easily angered              ___impulsive

      ___fearful                          ___punctual ___procrastinator              ___ humorous

___self-driver                    ___enthusiastic

___highly emotional         ___ idealistic

___orderly/methodical      ___confident

___tolerant                         ___ moody






___good listener

___athletically inclined

___musically inclined

___Fluent in language other than English


___Open mindedness


___fair knowledge of scripture

___pray regularly



___show mercy

What about Age?

People frequently ask: "Do you think he/she is too young (or too old) to go on the trip?" There can be no simple answer. Mis­sion teams have included ten-year-olds and octogenarians. A twelve- or thirteen-year-old is probably as young as you would want on an overseas trip to a developing country, in part because a child any younger than that will require parental supervision that detracts from the adult's effectiveness. Realize, also, that the typical child of that age often loathes trying new foods and experiences.

You should really put the question directly to the escorting family member: "Here is the situation. There will be no televi­sion, no toys, no air-conditioning, no McDonald's. Why does the child want to go? Every member of this team is going because they have a specific skill they will be contributing. What contri­bution do you think this child can make to the overall team ob­jective?"1  A work team is not a family vacation.

 Are They Christians?

One team to Vietnam was composed of sixteen Pentecostal Christians and a doctor who had heard about the trip from a friend and had signed up because she thought she could use her skills to help needy folks. She was Jewish, a fact never discovered because the group had not held team meetings to prepare mem­bers for the trip. Almost from the moment the airplane took off, three church members clumsily and repeatedly attempted to con­vert her to Christianity.

For the remaining ten days, she did her medical vol­unteer work and then avoided all contact with the team, eating in her room or at restaurants by herself. The last words exchanged were "Why don't you people leave me alone?" screamed at the three overzealous church members as they latched onto her on the bus ride to Hanoi Airport.

You must anticipate this question: Since we are a Christian church, will we accept nonbelievers on the mission trip? If that doctor volunteered her services to you, you must know if there are some groups where she would fit right in and others with whom she should never be placed. Your integrity mandates that you advise such a person of the Christian makeup of your team, and the likely activities in which they will be engaged.1

Size of Groups

It has been our experience that very large groups can be unmanageable for inexperienced group leaders. The ideal size for any group is 10 to 15. Youth groups up to the maximum size recommended should have 3-4 adult chaperons. We advise group leaders to give careful consideration to the size of groups they are planning to take. While there are no specific restrictions on the size of any group, it is important that the group be manageable for the leadership team of the group. The logistics of managing large groups during transit and at the work sight is a significant task. The organization and division of responsibilities of the leadership is a major consideration in any trip plan. If your group is large, consider dividing your group into teams, with each team leader reporting to the group leader.  Also, you must be care­ful not to overtax the resources of the local mission host.

Practical preparation check list

1.  Communication:

a.       Communication between the Mission Coordinator, in country contact and group leaders is essential.

            b.   Have emergency phone numbers available for team members before they leave. (Form #3a)

c.   Have information available about how the team members will be able to communicate

      once in country (public phone availability, computers, phone card usage, postage


d.  Transportation and several phone numbers of contacts in the host country, should be arranged

      prior to leaving. Arrangements with your host to send transportation to meet you or your

     group at the airport. Only passengers are allowed inside the airport, so your ride will be

     waiting immediately outside the only exit.  (Transportation Form #4)

2.   Legal documents and requirements.

      a.   Insurances

      b.   Waivers (Release for minors) (Form # 5a)

      c.   Medical treatment release forms (Form #5)

      d.   Passports (See more information on next page)

      e.   Airline tickets

      f.   Immigration and Custom information for team members (Address of where you will be                           staying in host country)

3. Medical conditions and First Aid

      a.   Be aware of anyone on your team who may have a medical condition which may require

            some special arrangements.

b.      Be sure you have 1 or 2 first aid kits available while in country. (see next page)

c.       Inform team members of immunization requirements for your host country.

d.      Know what kind of Medical care exists in your host community in case of emergency.

4.  Dress Codes

      a.   Discuss proper dress for safety on the job.

      b.   Make sure all team members are aware of host country customs as far as dress.

5.   Money Exchange information appropriate for your host country.

6.  Working Conditions on site

      a.   Weather conditions

      b.   Will Nationals be on site?

      c.    Describe a typical work day for men and women.

7.   Resources and tools—

      a.   What tools will be needed for work site?  Should you bring tools with you?

      b.   Evangelism resources—keep it simple; don’t take showy props that you wouldn’t leave                       there.

8.  Lodging conditions/arrangements—review conditions with team members

9.  Food and shopping/transportation in host country

      a.   Let team members know what will expected of them as far as what foods they will be

            eating, who will be preparing and how, when and who will shop for it.

      b.   Explain Taxi service or other public transportation in host country. (ie: fees, accessibility)

10.  Luggage and Packing tips

11. Discuss Cultural adjustments

12.  Arrange for evangelistic opportunities for your team before you arrive.

Suggested Items for FIRST AID

Non-Aspirin Tablets

Metal Tweezers

Water Pouch

Blistex Lip Ointments

Antibacterial Ointments

Alcohol Prep Pads

Sting Relief Pads or Ointment

Insect Repellent

Antiseptic Ointments


Antacid Tablets

Electrolyte Tablets

Ibuprofen Tablets

Sterile Gauze 2X2 and 4X4 and 5X9

Gauze Rolls

Instant Cold Packs

Burn cream

Adhesive Tape

Finger Splints

Adhesive Bandages

Butterfly closures

Elastic Wrap 2”

Waterproof matches

Each individual should consider taking along a broad spectrum antibiotic prescribed by their physician, also an anti-diarrhea medication and any other medications they feel they may need.

How to obtain a passport

  1. Obtain your birth certificate—the original with a raised seal (you can do this on the internet at the cost is $11.00)
  2. Get 2 passport pictures taken—either at AAA or L.A. Camera
  3. Take both pictures and your birth certificate to Prothonatary’s office at the Court House

       (approximate cost is $65.00)

Team Meetings

The Objectives of Meetings

            The secret to successful mission trips is preparation and training of the participants; the key to that preparation lies in the team meetings convened in the months leading up to the trip.

How many meetings does the team need before their de­parture? There is no hard rule about how many meetings or how frequently they should occur. Figure on holding at least eight, but no more than twelve. The meetings have six objectives. The group members need to:

*      Build team camaraderie and morale.

*      Enhance their biblical understanding of mission work.

*      Develop their language skills (if appropriate) and cultur­al understanding of the host community.

*      Prepare for the physical skills and logistical arrangements required for the trip.1

*      Begin planning for Reentry before you leave.  “Reverse Cultural Shock”

       Refer to: “Reentry Guide for Short-term Mission Leaders” by Lisa Espineli Chinn

*      Prepare for evangelistic efforts

Mandatory Attendance?

Attendance at every meeting should be mandatory. The problem is, you have to be careful about using words like "manda­tory" when dealing with volunteers. If your pastor missed a meet­ing to deal with a counseling crisis, do you throw him off the trip? Of course not. So how would you respond to the nurse whose shift work schedule prevents her from attending a couple of team meetings? Clearly, you cannot require compulsory attendance.  But at the first meeting you can remind them of the importance of attendance.1

Meeting Topic suggestions

Meeting #1—

Logistics: Cost, dates, fund-raising ideas, scholarship money available.  Expectations of team participants, rules, learning the language, journaling, health considerations, insurance, accommodations and meals.

      Meeting #2—

      Introduce all team members.

      Practice language skills if necessary

      financial matters such as deposits

      Discuss cultural sensitivity

      Preparation through the Scripture and Prayer.

      Journal assignment: Why am I going on this trip?

Meeting #3—

Introduce any new team members

Practice language skill—Personal introductions, phrases, songs

Fund raising matters

Go over 1 or 2 items on above check list

Preparation through the Scripture and Prayer.

Journal assignment:  How have I personally seen God at work?

Meeting #4—

Team members share an item on the host country they learned recently

Preliminary sign-up for on-site tasks

Go over 1 or 2 items on above check list


Preparation through the Scripture and Prayer.

Journal assignment: One experience that I definitely want to have while in the host community.


Guest Speaker-someone who has previously taken a similar trip or visited your host country.

Team members share an item on the host country they learned recently

Distribute preliminary worksheet of task assignments, break into small groups to discuss further training needed, equipment/supplies, etc.

Practice language skills

Preparation through the Scripture and Prayer.

Go over 1 or 2 items on above check list

Make sure everyone has a passport or has applied for one, airline reservations are made.

Journal assignment: The spiritual gifts I bring to this mission.

Meeting #6—

Make sure financial obligations are being met.

Continue with language skills and sharing the culture as before

Report from each leader on the worksheet of assignments

Preparation through the Scripture and Prayer.

Go over 1 or 2 items on above check list

Arrange or plan for a commissioning service to be held for the team.

Journal assignment: How I think this trip will affect my life.

Meeting #7—

Trip logistics:  hand out checklist; itineraries (two copies; one to take, one to leave with family), tickets.  Offer packing tips

Preparation through the Scripture and Prayer.

Go over 1 or 2 items on above check list

Discuss “What if’s…?”

Journaling assignment: How I will reach out to share God’s love more with a team member I have been most distant from so far.

Suggested devotional materials for team meetings

“Walk as He Walked” by Howard and Bonnie Lisech

“Missions, God’s Heart for the World” by Paul Borthwick

Functioning as a group Leader While at the Mission

Leadership and Coordination

Group Leaders are responsible for leading their own groups while on the trip. The Mission organization or church staff is there to assist you in adapting to culture and daily routines, not to lead your group. He or she can facilitate your group in accomplishing your spiritual, educational and work goals, however, you must be prepared and active throughout your visit. The Group Leader is the primary contact between the group and the mission organization or church. This is a very important and valued relationship.

The Group Leader sets the tone for the group. We hope that every Group Leader goes with both energy and ideas. The Group Leader needs to be flexible and to "expect the unexpected." Frequently this means coming up with alternate plans either on arrival or at the beginning of the day.

What should I do if for some reason my host does not meet me or my group?

Should an unforeseen emergency arise causing your escort to be delayed for over an hour, please follow these steps as needed:

1. Ask the airline representative to help you.

2. You should have a phone number of your host so you can contact them

3. Vehicles can be rented at the airport if you choose to have your own transportation. You

will need a valid U.S. drivers license, passport, and a recognized credit card (or cash) to pay for the car rental. Be sure to ask for a map.

Focus on Purpose of Mission Visit

We ask that group leaders help to make sure there is a focus on spirituality. We recommend that the group meet in the morning to pray and plan the day and meet in the evening to pray and reflect on the day. Frequent reflections are vital to appreciating and understanding the miracles that you see daily. We recommend setting aside 30-45 minutes a day for private contemplation. Journaling is an excellent tool for this. Attend church services if possible.

Group Leaders should set realistic daily and long-term goals for their group. They should be prepared to keep group members focused on their reasons for coming on the work team, specifically to:

*      Provide love and attention to the nationals.

*      Understand more about their relationship with God and deepen their spirituality.

*      Learn about the mission or church you are visiting.

*      Become more aware of poverty and ways to help.

Enforcement of Rules

One of the challenges for a Group Leader is the enforcement of the rules to insure harmony in the group.

Continue to prepare for reentry

A reentry program helps put a healthy closure to the foreign experience.  There are definite emotional and spiritual tolls to pay when one crosses cultures for the Kingdom and these needs to be acknowledged and assessed.  The Last night there is the time to fill out the questionnaire (Form #6) and discuss with each other if possible, “what this trip meant to me.”

Continuing the Mission Experience after Your Return

Refer to: “Reentry Guide for Short-term Mission Leaders”

by Lisa Espineli Chinn

You and your group members will be positively impacted by the experience you have shared. In order to keep the mission spirituality alive, many groups have suggested the following:

Include the Mission organization or church and the people in your daily prayers.

Set aside a few minutes each day to reflect on your experience. Consider your priorities and how the experience has affected your views and personality.

Volunteer to speak to community and church groups about your trip.

Pray about and consider returning on another work team.

Words of Wisdom

Slow down! Take time while you are at the job sight to relax and enjoy your experience. Remember making relationships is more important than the work you are doing. You can't maximize your experience if you are too busy with your daily tasks to see what is happening around you. Notice the beauty around you, notice that child watching you and PRAY.

Suggested Scripture Readings

Preparing for your Journey

The following are suggested scriptures to be used for mediation as you prepare for your mission trip. We suggest journaling your thoughts, fears, anticipations and prayers as you set out on your journey. Later this journal will be a means of discovering how God has changed you as a result of your mission trip.

Contemplate on these passages in regards to your motivation to serve:

James 2:14-16

Philippians 2: 1-4

Remember those you will be serving:

Matthew 9:35-37

Matthew 19:13,14

Mark 10:13-16

Consider the members of your group and the community of believers you represent:

Romans 12

While on you mission trip

Throughout your mission trip we suggest that you meditate on the scriptures daily to find the strength and wisdom to serve as Christ has called. Once again, journal your thoughts and compare them to those from before you came. Give thanks to God for the lessons and changes in you which He has provided.

Look at your motivations. Are they in line with God's purpose?

James 2:14-16

Philippians 2: 1-4

Who are you here to serve?

Matthew 9:35-37

Matthew 19:13,14

Mark 10: ll-16

How are you and your group interacting with each other, other volunteers and the Nationals?

Matthew 7:1-5

Romans 12

Galatians 5:13-15

Consider what God is calling you to:

Matthew 9:35-38

Documentation for the Work team

Group leaders must:

1. Ensure that each group member has a passport that will not expire 30 days before the return date. It is recommended that group leaders collect photocopies of group member passports as a backup in case of loss.

2. Ask each prospective group member to complete an application and personal survey along with a medical release (form #3) and return signed copies of these forms to you. Ensure that these forms are complete before you leave the US. Note: Form 5b must be signed by each parent or guardian not accompanying their minor child. If asked, be prepared to show these forms to Immigrations officials at the airport.

3. Send the Transportation Form # 4 to the organization or church you will be visiting when you have made your transportation arrangements. Ask them to arrange to have someone meet your group at the airport based on the information you provide. You group will be responsible for this expense.

4. Be sure each team member has a copy of phone numbers and address in host country.  Also flight times and information (Form #3a) They will need a copy for themselves and one to leave at home with family.

5. If a medical team fax copies of medical credentials for all health care professionals intending to practice directly to the organization you will be visiting. Medical credentials must be received 30 days before arrival.

1 Taken from The Essential Guide to the Short Term Mission Trip by David C. Forward
Volunteer Application for Individuals 18 years or Older

(Form #1)

Thank you for your interest. Please complete the following application and sign the attached Agreement and Release from Liability. Signed copies of this form should be collected by the group leader.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________

                                  Last                                             First                                         Middle Initial    

Address: ____________________________________________________________________

                                    Street                                      City                                         State                       Zip Code

Telephone: ____________________________E-mail: _____________Fax: ______________

Passport Number ______________________

Age: ______________Sex:_______________ Medical Credentials? ______________________

Health or Physical Limitations! Allergies:____________________________________________

Medications/Dietary Needs:_______________________________________________________

Do you speak Spanish? ______________Can you write Spanish? __________________

Housing Location Preference, if any: ________________________________________________

If you are with a group, what is the name of the group?__________________________________

Name/address/telephone number of the person to contact in case of emergency:




On the back of this page please write your 3-5 minute personal testimony.



(Form #3)

I, the undersigned, agree to the following terms as a condition for visiting being accepted for this mission trip between__________________         and __________________.


I will work only on authorized projects. I will at all times follow the direction of the group leader.

Release of Liability

In consideration of _____________________________________      accepting my application for

this mission trip and on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, executors and personal representatives, I release, hold harmless and discharge forever,

their staff, officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, sponsors, promoters, and affiliates from any and all liability, claim, loss, damage, cost or expense and waive any such claims against any such person or organization arising directly or indirectly from or attributable in any legal way to any action or omission to act of any such person or organization in connection with the sponsorship, organization and involvement in all activities, occurrences and consequences, to include health, sanitation and safety exposures, related to the mission trip. The "mission trip" in this context includes all time related to preparation for the trip, travel to and from the country, and the duration of the visit.

Release for Emergency Medical Treatment

Should emergency medical treatment be necessary and I am unable to act on my behalf, I

Authorize _______________________________________  the delegated group leader, to act on

my behalf and approve appropriate treatment.

By my signature below I consent to the provisions of this agreement and release from liability form.

____________________________________________________                 ______________

(Signature of Volunteer)                                                                                       (Date)

Important Information for Team Members

                                  (Form # 3a)        

This information will be important for your family back at home.  It will be good to have in case of an emergency.

Name of Group: ________________________________________________________

Name of Team Leader:___________________________________________________

Phone number of contact person (at home)____________________________________

Phone number of contact person in host country:_______________________________

Date of departure:_______________________ Time of departure:_________________

Airline:_______________________________ Flight number:____________________

Return Date:___________________________ Time of return:____________________

Airline:________________________________ Flight number:___________________

Names and phone numbers of other team members:


Form #6


Country of Ministry:


1. Describe your most important objectives during the pre-trip planning stage. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What were your greatest concerns during the pre-trip planning stage? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What was the greatest lesson you learned during this mission trip? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What helped you learn this lesson? Describe the experience, people, etc ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What were the best parts of the overall experience? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. How was the balance of work, fellowship, witnessing for you? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Which tasks were the most fulfilling for you? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. How would you describe the effect this trip had on your personal:

                a. Self image?                 _________________________________________________________________________________________                _________________________________________________________________________________________                _________________________________________________________________________________________

                b. Spiritual life?

                _________________________________________________________________________________________                _________________________________________________________________________________________                _________________________________________________________________________________________

                c. Interest in future missions?

                _________________________________________________________________________________________                _________________________________________________________________________________________                _________________________________________________________________________________________

                d. God’s overall plan for your life?

                _________________________________________________________________________________________                _________________________________________________________________________________________                _________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Will you covenant to pray for any of the people with who you worked?                                                Who?

10. Do you plan to maintain contact with any of the people you met?



11. Where do you rate yourself regarding missions service?

o        I am definitely going to be a missionary or tentmaker.

o        I definitely wan to return on another short-term mission trip

o        I am open to being a missionary, but I am unsure where

o        I just started thinking about being a missionary, and I am unsure

o        I am going to be a supporter of other missionaries

o        I am opposed to the idea of missionary work

o        I have never really thought about missionary work.

12. What would be your biggest piece of advice concerning improving our teams in the future?


13. General Comments _____________________________________________________________________________


SOURCE: Short Term Missions Manual of the Reformed Episcopal Church (Warminster, Pa.). Used by permission. This form may be reproduced by team leaders for use in a short ­term mission trips.

Volunteer Application for Minors under the Age of 18

                                        (Form #1a)

Thank you for your interest. Please complete the following application and have your parents/guardian(s) sign the attached Agreement and Release from Liability. Signed copies of this form should be collected by the group leader.

Name: __________________________________________________________________________

                        Last                                                        First                                                                        Middle Initial

Address: ________________________________________________________________________

                        Street                                                City                                              State                             Zip Code

Telephone: _____________________________E-mail: __________________Fax: _____________

Passport number: ______________________________

Age: _________________Sex:_______________ Medical Credentials? _______________________

Health or Physical Limitations/Allergies: _______________________________________________

Medications/Dietary Needs: __________________________________________________________

Do you speak Spanish? ________________________Can you write Spanish? __________________

Housing Location Preference, if any: __________________________________________________

If you are with a group, what is the name of the group? ____________________________________

Name/address/telephone number of the person to contact in case of emergency:





Minors under the Age of 18

(Form 5a) until a new one is formulated

Both parents (if living) and the guardian(s) of each minor must sign this form before the minor leaves the US.

Permission and Consent

1. As parent or guardian of the minor named above, I give my permission for my child or ward

to travel to __________________________________  and participate in the mission trip activities

during the period from ___________    to _____________.

My child will work only on authorized projects while on the mission trip. He/she will at all times follow the direction of the group leader.

Release of Liability

In consideration of ___________________________________    accepting my child's application

for this visit and on behalf of my child, myself, my heirs, assigns, executors and personal representatives, I release, hold harmless and discharge forever ________________________.

their staff: officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, sponsors, promoters, and affiliates from any and all liability, claim, loss, damage, cost or expense and waive any such claims against any such person or organization arising directly or indirectly from or attributable in any legal way to any action or omission to act of any such person or organization in connection with the sponsorship, organization and involvement in all activities, occurrences and consequences, to include health, sanitation and safety exposures, related to the mission trip. The "mission trip" in this context includes all time related to preparation for the trip, travel to and from the country, and the duration of the visit.

Release for Emergency Medical treatment

Should emergency medical treatment be necessary and my child and I are unable to act on his/her behalf, I authorize ________________________________________, the delegated group leader,

to act on my child's behalf and approve appropriate treatment.

By my signatures below I consent to the provisions of this agreement and release from liability.

________________________________________                            _________________

(Signature of Parent/Guardian)                                                                      (Date)

________________________________________      __________________________________

(Printed Name)                                                                         (Address)

________________________________________                            __________________

(Signature of Parent/Guardian)                                                              (Date)

________________________________________      ___________________________________

(Printed Name)                                                                                      (Address)


(Form #4)

Group leaders or individuals traveling alone should complete this form and send it to the mission organization or church it will be visiting. This will assist them in providing appropriate transportation to and from the airport. This expense will need to be paid for by the group. After you and/or your group have processed through Immigration and Customs, you should have made arraignments for your host to have someone meet you outside the airport. They should carry a sign with your name on it.

Name of Group/Individual:____________________________________________________

Name of Leader(s): __________________________________________________________

Date of Arrival:_________________________Time of Arrival: _______________________

Airline Flight Number:___________________ Number in Group:____________________

Anticipated number of boxes, pieces of luggage:____________________________________

Date of Departure: _________________________Time of Departure____________________

Airline Flight Number:________________________________________________________

This form should be faxed, e-mailed or the information called to someone in the host country.

Document who you contacted and when.

We encourage each Group Leader to make copies of all passports in the event of any loss.